How to Create a Dataset with Python?


Sometimes, to test models or perform simulations, you may need to create a dataset with python. We will not import this simulated or fake dataset from real-world data, but we will generate it from scratch using a couple of lines of code. In this article, I will be showing how to create a dataset for regression, classification, and clustering problems using python.


How to create a dataset for a classification problem with python?

To create a dataset for a classification problem with python, we use the make_classification method available in the sci-kit learn library. Let’s import the library.

from sklearn.datasets import make_regression, make_classification, make_blobs
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


The make_classification  method returns by default, ndarrays which corresponds to the variable/feature and the target/output. To generate a classification dataset, the method will require the following parameters:

  • n_samples: the number of samples/rows.
  • n_features: the number of features/columns.
  • n_informative: the number of features that have a role in the prediction of the output.
  • n_redundant: the number of features that are not related to the output class.
  • n_classes: the number of classes/labels for the classification problem.
  • weights: the proportion of samples for each output/class. Inserting None means balanced classes.

Let’s go ahead and generate the classification dataset using the above parameters.

# How to create a dataset for a classification problem
variables, target  = make_classification(
                    n_samples = 1000,
                    n_features = 12,
                    n_informative = 7,
                    n_redundant = 3,
                    n_repeated = 2,
                    n_classes = 4,
                    # Distribution of classes 20% Output1
                    # 20%> output 2, 30% output 3 and 4        
                    weights = [.2,.2, .3, .3],
                    random_state = 8)


Let’s visualize the variable dataframe.

# View the some sample rows classification dataset
columns=["col_name "+ str(i) for i in range(variables.shape[1])])

     col_name 0	    col_name 1	    col_name 2	    col_name 3	   col_name 4	   col_name 5	   col_name 6	    col_name 7	    col_name 8	    col_name 9	    col_name 10	    col_name 11
0	0.331723	0.509881	-0.175577	1.075973	-0.831905	-6.934965	1.075973	2.287544	-0.963859	-5.114866	-0.831905	-1.146492
1	0.195848	1.620299	1.106739	1.367136	-1.896274	-0.183035	1.367136	-2.046089	-0.047922	-0.678143	-1.896274	0.624624
2	-1.110011	-0.556873	1.688196	-1.093200	-0.784965	-3.192678	-1.093200	0.687897	-1.036923	-1.843979	-0.784965	-1.493613
3	-2.201790	-1.327092	-0.612005	4.771862	1.333772	-4.806040	4.771862	-0.140957	-3.054470	-0.449136	1.333772	-2.776526
4	-0.309355	-1.481214	-0.348062	-0.323696	1.007431	0.398226	-0.323696	0.890199	0.330016	1.649357	1.007431	-0.162269
...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...
995	2.667335	-0.417175	2.833952	0.914925	0.527134	-3.312023	0.914925	3.440490	1.359939	2.461748	0.527134	2.621739
996	-1.580031	-0.866029	0.304893	4.219823	-2.325976	-8.120002	4.219823	1.534977	4.459700	0.684456	-2.325976	3.559462
997	-4.297403	-0.778561	-1.248011	-2.836641	1.092944	3.943337	-2.836641	-1.993144	0.334962	1.419927	1.092944	-0.862761
998	0.996732	0.883047	5.827281	0.396347	-2.989223	-2.003943	0.396347	-1.810176	-2.486957	-0.346523	-2.989223	-1.164679
999	-0.362272	-1.051120	-1.444873	-0.235483	1.939468	-1.478216	-0.235483	2.507234	0.776497	0.359553	1.939468	0.404604


Let’s visualize the output dataframe.

# View the target column
0	2
1	0
2	2
3	0
4	1


In the last word, if you have a multilabel classification problem, you can use the make_multilable_classification method to generate your data. The procedure for it is similar to the one we have above.


How to create a dataset for regression problems with python?

Similarly to make_classification, the make_regression method returns by default, ndarrays which corresponds to the variable/feature and the target/output. To generate a regression dataset, the method will require the following parameters:

  • n_samples: the number of samples/rows
  • n_features: the number of features/columns
  • n_informative: the number of informative variables
  • n_target: the number of regression targets/output. So a value of 2 means each sample will have 2 outputs.
  • Noise: the standard deviation of the gaussian noise on the output
  • shuffle: mix the samples and the features.
  • coef: Return or not the coefficients of the underlying linear model.
  • random state: state the seed for the random number generator, to reproduce the same dataset in case of reuse


Let’s go ahead and generate the regression dataset using the above parameters.

# How to create a dataset for a regression problem
variables, target = make_regression(n_samples = 1000,
                                    n_features =  10,
                                    n_informative = 8,
                                    n_targets = 1,
                                    noise = .5,
                                    random_state = 8


Let’s visualize the variable dataframe.

# View the some sample rows classification dataset
             columns=["col_name "+ str(i) for i in range(variables.shape[1])]).head()
	col_name 0	col_name 1	col_name 2	col_name 3	col_name 4	col_name 5	col_name 6	col_name 7	col_name 8	col_name 9
0	-1.840549	1.242176	-1.390003	-0.722689	1.632301	-0.577799	-0.222739	0.405041	-0.571550	-0.553471
1	-0.537855	1.669537	0.903670	0.420327	1.219688	2.431992	1.267145	-0.345046	0.020319	-0.540176
2	-1.142355	-1.221051	0.107340	-1.336418	0.876019	0.055713	0.306274	1.181244	0.479989	0.429356
3	0.178291	0.150575	-0.693476	-0.789158	0.307253	-0.693905	-0.280938	1.329255	0.949204	-1.348216
4	0.669372	1.204146	0.123464	-0.288869	0.012149	0.923918	-0.332575	-0.403318	0.728422	-0.046430


Let’s visualize the output dataframe.

# Vizualize the target dataframe
pd.DataFrame(target, columns=['Bills']).head()
0	37.230636
1	238.246502
2	84.744504
3	14.400635
4	70.771206


How to create a dataset for a clustering problem with python?

The make_blob method returns by default, ndarrays which corresponds to the variable/feature/columns containing the data, and the target/output containing the labels for the cluster’s numbers. To generate a clustering dataset, the method will require the following parameters:

  • n_samples: the number of samples/rows. Passed as an integer, it divides the various points equally among clusters. And Passed as an array, each element shows the number of samples per cluster.
  • n_features: the number of features/columns
  • centers: the number of centers (fixed center locations) to generate your clusters. 
  • clusters_std: the standard deviation of each cluster
  • shuffle: mixes the various rows/samples
  • random state: defines the random number used for the generation of the dataset

Let’s go ahead and generate the clustering dataset using the above parameters.

# How to create a dataset for a clustering problem
X, y = make_blobs(
        n_samples = 1000,
        n_features = 2,
        centers = 5,
        cluster_std = 0.5,
        shuffle = True
        random_state = 9)


Let’s visualize the various clusters.

            c = ["red"])

How to generate a dataset for clustering



Bonus on creating your own dataset with python

The above were the main ways to create a handmade dataset for your data science testings. There are even more default architectures ways to generate datasets and even real-world data for free. Those datasets and functions are all available in the Scikit learn library, under sklearn.datasets. Feel free to check it out.



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