A Light Look into Python Popular Libraries

Before we get into Python’s cool tricks and popular libraries, let’s start with the basics. We’ll cover the main differences between Python 2 and Python 3 and give you a quick guide to learning Python.

Python 2 vs. Python 3

Python 2 is like the OG version of Python, kicking around since 2000. But, as of January 1, 2020, it’s left in the dust with no more updates or patches (Dataquest). Python 3, on the other hand, is the star of the show now. It has packed in tons of new features and fixes. So, if you’re just starting out, focus on Python 3 for the best results.

Here’s a quick cheat sheet on how Python 2 and Python 3 stack up:

FeaturePython 2Python 3
Print Statementprint "Hello"print("Hello")
Integer Division5 / 2 = 25 / 2 = 2.5
Iterationrange returns listrange returns iterator
SupportNo longer supportedActively supported

Want more juicy details? Check out our deep dive on Python version differences.

Learning Python Basics

Starting with Python might sound like a Herculean task, but trust me, you’ll get the hang of it with the right tools. Tons of online tutorials and courses can help you get off the ground (Dataquest). Usually, wrapping your head around the basics takes a few weeks, but getting job-ready as a coder or data guru might need four to twelve months of advanced learning.

Here are the bread-and-butter topics for your Python journey:

  • Python Syntax: The basic language rules. Simple to learn and easy to read. Check out our syntax guide.
  • Variables and Data Types: Learn how to juggle different data types and variables.
  • Control Structures: Get comfortable with loops and if-else statements to steer your code.
  • Functions: Know how to create and use functions to streamline your code.
  • Modules and Libraries: Get the lowdown on importing and using Python’s standard libraries.

Ready to start? Jump into our beginner’s guide. Need more study stuff? Our resource list has got you covered. Dive in, and soon you’ll be bending Python to your will, exploring its famous libraries for all sorts of cool stuff.

Core Python Libraries

Python is widely loved for its fantastic range of libraries that make many tasks a breeze. When it comes to data science and diving into numbers, three powerhouse libraries steal the show: NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib.

NumPy – Scientific Computing

Think of NumPy as your reliable sidekick for any heavy-duty calculations. It might sound fancy, but at its heart, NumPy’s just about dealing with arrays and doing math super quickly.

What Makes NumPy Cool:

  • Super-Speedy Array Stuff: If you need fast operations on huge arrays, NumPy’s your best friend.
  • Math Magic: Tons of built-in math functions. Think multiplications, additions, and more, all at lightning speed.
  • Mixin’ With Code: Easy-peasy integration with languages like C/C++ and Fortran.

Curious? Learn more about NumPy and its scientific wonders.

Pandas – Data Analysis

Pandas sits on the shoulders of NumPy, making data wrangling and analysis as simple as pie. You get structures like Series (for one-dimensional data) and DataFrame (like a super-powered Excel sheet) to mess with labeled data and time-series.

Pandas’ Party Tricks:

  • Series: Handy for handling one line of data.
  • DataFrame: Think of it as a spreadsheet on steroids—can grow or shrink, carry all kinds of data, and keep things labeled neatly.

Peek Inside:

UseNumber crunchingData manip & analysis
Data TypesndarraySeries, DataFrame
SpeedHighModerate (thanks, NumPy)

Want to see Pandas in action? Check out python in data science.

Matplotlib – Data Visualization

When numbers meet pictures, Matplotlib is there to make it beautiful. With roots in NumPy arrays, it helps you create everything from simple line plots to animated visuals.

What Matplotlib Brings to the Table:

  • Line Plots: Draw simple lines to show trends.
  • Bar Plots: Compare categories easily.
  • Scatter Plots: Reveal relationships between data points.
  • Histograms: See the shape of your data distribution.

A Quick Look:

Plot TypeWhat’s It Good For?
Line PlotTracking continuous data trends
Bar PlotComparing different categories
Scatter PlotShowing relationships between two variables
HistogramVisualizing data distribution

Explore more plotting fun with python simple syntax.

These libraries are essential toolkit components for any data scientist or analyst. Whether you’re crunching numbers, reshuffling data, or crafting stunning visuals, NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib are here to help. Ready to dive deeper? Check out our resources to learn python.

Python in Different Fields

Python is like that Swiss Army knife everyone loves—reliable, versatile, and ready for any job. Let’s walk through why Python is a favorite in data science, machine learning, and web development, and peek at some of its most popular libraries along the way.

Data Science and Analysis

Python is a no-brainer for data science, thanks to its simplicity and powerful libraries. Pandas and NumPy are your trusty sidekicks for slicing, dicing, and making sense of all that data.


Pandas is like the Swiss Army knife of data manipulation. This open-source library is packed with easy-to-use tools and data structures that make data wrangling a breeze. Imagine handling missing data or performing complex math operations without breaking a sweat. That’s Pandas for you.

Data StructuresWorks with relational or labeled data
Main UseData cleaning, manipulation, and analysis
Extra SkillzHandles missing data like a pro

Learn more about how Pandas transforms data science in our article on Python in data science.


NumPy is the backbone of scientific computing in Python. It’s got your back when you’re dealing with big matrices, multi-dimensional arrays, and complex math operations. Think of it as your go-to for any serious number-crunching.

Core StuffLarge matrices and multi-dimensional data
Main UseHeavy-duty scientific computation
Extra SkillzBuilt-in linear algebra and math functions

Machine Learning and AI

Python is also the engine behind many machine learning and AI innovations. When it comes to building and training models, Keras and TensorFlow are the dynamic duo you can rely on.

Keras vs. TensorFlow

These two heavyweights have their own style. Keras is all about user-friendliness—think simplicity and ease of use. TensorFlow, on the other hand, offers unparalleled control and flexibility for those who like to tweak every knob.

Key Differences:
  • Ease of Use: Keras is like the friendly neighbor who’s always ready to help.
  • Flexibility: TensorFlow is the robust tool for those who need more control.

Dive deeper into their roles in our Keras vs. TensorFlow breakdown.

Web Development and Software Engineering

Python’s clear syntax and readability make it a top pick for web developers. Django and Flask are two popular frameworks that cater to different development needs.


Django is your go-to for building big, complex web apps quickly. It makes web development a lot less painful by taking care of much of the heavy lifting. With Django, you can focus more on your app and less on the boilerplate.

CoreHigh-level web framework
Main UseFast development and slick design
Extra SkillzBuilt-in admin interface and ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)


Flask is the minimalist’s dream. It’s lightweight, easy to set up, and doesn’t get in your way. Think of it as the clean canvas every artist longs for—perfect for those who want to create simple yet powerful web applications.

CoreLightweight web framework
Main UseSimple and flexible web apps
Extra SkillzEasily extendable and minimalistic architecture

For a wider look at Python’s use in web dev and other professions, feast your eyes on Python use cases.

By getting cozy with Python and these must-know libraries, you can supercharge your capabilities in fields from data science to web dev. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to level up, Python’s got the tools you need to shine. Keep learning with our resources for Python for beginners.

Must-Know Python Libraries

Python has an incredible pack of libraries that cater to all kinds of coding adventures. Let’s cut to the chase and chat about some of the hottest ones to help you pick the right guns for your projects.

Keras vs. TensorFlow

Both Keras and TensorFlow are your go-tos for cooking up machine learning models. Here’s the lowdown:

  • Keras: Think of Keras as the “easy button” for building neural networks. It’s open-source with a super friendly interface. Perfect for quick and dirty experiments with deep learning and is a favorite in the research community.

  • TensorFlow: This one’s the brainchild of Google. TensorFlow is a full-package deal for machine learning models, whether you want to run them on servers or smartphones. It’s got everything but can be a bit of a headache compared to Keras.

Ease of UseUser-friendlyMore complex
FlexibilityGreat for quick experimentsSuper flexible, good for advanced stuff
Industry AdoptionPopular in research and rapid prototypingUsed across various industries

Dive deeper into our Keras vs TensorFlow comparison.

NumPy vs. Pandas

NumPy and Pandas are like the Batman and Robin of data and scientific computing.

  • NumPy: This one deals with n-dimensional arrays and a batch of mathematical functions, making it essential for things like linear algebra and Fourier transforms.

  • Pandas: Pandas is your data BFF. It’s amazing for data manipulation, cleaning, and modeling with its DataFrame object that can handle labeled data like a champ.

Primary UseNumerical computing, n-dimensional arraysData manipulation, analysis, and cleaning
Data StructureArraysDataFrames, Series
OperationsBasic to advanced math operationsCleaning data, math ops

Check out our full guide on NumPy vs Pandas.

Fresh Python Libraries

New kids on the block are always popping up, bringing new tricks to the table.

  • LiteLLM: Simplifies building lightweight machine learning models.
  • PyApp: Makes app development a breeze with loads of built-in modules.
  • Taipy: Focused on making data management super smooth.
  • MLX: Offers tools for model visualization and optimization.
  • Unstructured Text Analysis: Great for handling and analyzing unstructured data, perfect for text mining.
LibraryMain Game
LiteLLMLightweight machine learning models
PyAppSpeedy app development
TaipySmooth data management processes
MLXModel visualization and optimization
Unstructured Text AnalysisText mining and analysis

For the latest on Python libraries, visit recent Python libraries.

With Python, picking the right libraries can turn your coding from good to “wow!” From basics like NumPy and Pandas to advanced stuff like Keras and TensorFlow, even fresh faces like LiteLLM, it’s got the tools to keep your projects rolling with ease.

Python Libraries for Machine Learning

Let’s face it, Python is the rockstar language for machine learning. If you’re knee-deep into data crunching or just dipping your toes in, these libraries are game-changers. Here are some essential Python libraries you can’t miss: LiteLLM, PyApp, Taipy, MLX, and Unstructured Text Analysis.


LiteLLM – Ever feel like switching between large language models (LLMs) is like juggling flaming torches? Enter LiteLLM, your go-to for taming those LLM beasts. This library makes it easy to swap between models, thanks to its standardized input and output formats. Say goodbye to messy code and hello to streamlined efficiency and control. Perfect for keeping your project flexible and manageable.


PyApp – Distributing Python apps a pain? PyApp turns that headache into a no-brainer. It wraps your Python program into a self-installing package, making it a cinch to distribute across different operating systems. Plus, it has self-updating capabilities, and handles dependencies like a champ. No more compatibility nightmares, just smooth sailing.


Taipy – No clue about web development but need a snazzy UI for your machine learning projects? That’s where Taipy shines. It’s a lifesaver for data scientists, making it easy to build interactive web UIs with minimal fuss. Bind your variables and expressions to visual components like plots, sliders, and image grids. Add some callbacks, and you’ve got yourself a dynamic, responsive interface without breaking a sweat.

Visual ComponentsPlots, sliders, image grids
Update MechanismCallbacks for specific components
Intended UsersData scientists


MLX – Apple fan? Then you’ll love MLX. This array framework is tailor-made for machine learning on Apple silicon, optimized for those snazzy M1 and M3 chips. It mimics NumPy’s API while also offering a robust C++ API, lazy computation, and dynamic graph creation. MLX lets you run operations across multiple devices without the data transfer blues. Ideal for researchers pushing the envelope.

Unstructured Text Analysis

Unstructured – Text data is messy; we get it. Unstructured is your clean-up crew, handling a variety of formats like PDFs, HTML, Word docs, and images. With its powerful text-cleansing tools, you’ll be on top of bullets, translations, and data extraction in no time. Prep your text for vectorization and let the magic happen with your favorite LLM models.

These libraries are powerful allies in your machine learning ventures. Hungry for more Python goodness? Check out our articles on why learn python and Python’s use cases.

A smidgen of chaos, simplicity, and relatability in every byte. Take it and run!