How to Install Python on Linux?

Starting Your Python Journey on Linux

Installing Python on Linux

Hey there, Linux enthusiast! Ready to dive into Python? Good news: most Linux systems already come with Python preinstalled. Still, sometimes you need a specific version or extra features. Here’s a down-to-earth guide on how to get Python set up on different Linux distros.

Ubuntu/Debian-based Systems

Here’s the lowdown for Ubuntu or Debian fans:

  1. Prep the System:
    Update and upgrade your packages to keep things fresh:

    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
  2. Install Python:
    Simply run:

    sudo apt install python3
  3. Double-check:
    Make sure it worked:<br>python3 --version<br>


For those riding the Fedora wave:

  1. Update Stuff:
    Keep the system current:

    sudo dnf update
  2. Get Python:
    Fetch and install it:

    sudo dnf install python3<br>
  3. Verify:
    Make sure everything’s in place:<br><br>python3 --version<br><br>


If openSUSE is your jam:

  1. Refresh the System:
    Update the system:

    sudo zypper update<br>
  2. Grab Python:
    Install it:

    sudo zypper install python3<br>
  3. Check:
    Confirm it’s good to go:<br>python3 --version<br>

For other distros, the steps might change a bit, but you’ll find Python in most default repositories.

Building Python from Scratch

Need the latest Python or a special setup? Time to roll up your sleeves and build it from source. Here’s how:

  1. Get Dependencies:Before you start building, load up on these essentials (on a Debian-based system):

    sudo apt install build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev \<br>                 libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev libreadline-dev \<br>                 libsqlite3-dev libgdbm-dev libdb5.3-dev libbz2-dev \<br>                 libexpat1-dev liblzma-dev tk-dev libffi-dev<br>

  2. Grab the Source:Head over to the Python releases page and snag the latest version:

    wget<br>tar -xf Python-3.x.x.tgz<br>cd Python-3.x.x<br>
  3. Build and Install:Set up and compile Python:

    ./configure --enable-optimizations<br>make -j 8  # Use the number of CPU cores on your machine

    Then, install it without messing with the system Python:

    sudo make altinstall

    Note: altinstall keeps your system’s default Python intact.

  4. Verify:Check the new version:

    python3.x --version  # Replace '3.x' with your version number<br>

Building Python yourself gives you oodles of control – you get exactly what you want, and it’s usually the freshest version. To juggle multiple Python setups, use something like pyenv (python with github).

For a complete setup – virtual environments, IDE tips, the whole shebang – check out our guide to setting up a Python environment.

Taming Your Python Environments

Keeping Python projects neat is like having a tidy toolbox. Virtual environments help us keep tools separate so they don’t get mixed up and cause trouble.

Setting Up Virtual Environments

Starting with virtual environments is like drawing lines between your projects. Each one has its own space to breathe, without stepping on each other’s toes.

First, check if you have virtualenv or venv. If you’re rocking Python 3.3 or later, venv is already in your bag of tricks. If not, grab virtualenv with pip.

For venv:

$ python3 -m venv myenv

Or virtualenv:

$ virtualenv myenv

Activate the virtual environment:

  • Linux/macOS:
$ source myenv/bin/activate
  • Windows:
$ .\myenv\Scripts\activate

When you see the environment name in your prompt, you’re in business.

Want more setup details? Jump to our guide on install python virtual environments.

Grabbing Python Libraries

With your virtual environment humming, you install libraries with pip. It’s like stocking each toolbox with the right tools, without messing up the workshop.

To grab a library:

$ pip install package_name

Need Flask? Just:

$ pip install flask

View what you’ve got installed:

$ pip list

Here’s a peek at what a library list might look like:


To remove a library:

$ pip uninstall package_name

Dumping Flask? Use:

$ pip uninstall flask

Check out our guide on install python libraries for more deets.

Setting up and managing virtual environments keeps your projects organized. No more dependency conflicts or cluttered global space. If you hit a bump, dive into our resources like python installation troubleshooting and python environment variables.

For mastering multiple Python versions, hop over to our guide on manage multiple python versions. Happy coding!

Configuring Python IDEs

Picking the right Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Python can make coding a breeze. After you install Python on Linux, here’s how to choose and set up an IDE.

Choosing an IDE

Your IDE choice boils down to what you need from it. Here’s a rundown of popular Python IDEs:

1. PyCharm:

  • Pros: Loaded with features, great for navigating code, smart code suggestions, robust debugging.
  • Cons: Uses a lot of resources, can lag on older computers.

2. Visual Studio Code (VS Code):

  • Pros: Lightweight, extensive extensions, built-in terminal, strong community backing.
  • Cons: Takes some setup to get fully Python-ready.

3. Jupyter Notebook:

  • Pros: Interactive, perfect for data work and visualizations.
  • Cons: Not ideal for production code, geared towards heavy-duty calculations.

IDE Breakdown:

PyCharmFeature-rich, code navigation, smart suggestions, good debuggingResource-heavy, slow on old machines
Visual Studio CodeLightweight, lots of extensions, integrated terminal, community supportNeeds setup for full Python uses
Jupyter NotebookInteractive, excellent for data analysis and visualizationNot for production, focused on computation

Configuring Your IDE

Once you’ve picked your IDE, here’s a quick guide to set them up:

1. PyCharm:

  1. Install:
    • Grab PyCharm from the official website.
    • Install it however you like—via terminal or a software manager.
  2. Setup:
    • Open PyCharm, go to File > Settings > Project: <your_project>.
    • Click Project Interpreter and add your Python interpreter.
    • To set up virtual environments, head to File > Settings > Project: <your_project> > Python Interpreter.

2. Visual Studio Code:

  1. Install:
  2. Setup:
    • Open VS Code and install the Python extension from the Extensions Marketplace.
    • Press Ctrl+Shift+P, type Python: Select Interpreter, and set your Python interpreter.
    • Set up virtual environments by adding a .vscode/settings.json file in your project folder with the interpreter path.

3. Jupyter Notebook:

  1. Install:
    • Use pip: pip install notebook.
    • Run it with jupyter notebook in your terminal.
  2. Setup:
    • For more settings, tweak your file, like setting the directory and security options.

It’s smart to use virtual environments for project isolation. Follow our guide on installing Python virtual environments for help setting that up. For additional tools and libraries, check our guide on installing Python libraries.

Choosing and properly setting up your IDE can significantly boost your productivity. For a deeper dive, check out our article on Python IDE vs Text Editors.

Troubleshooting Python Installation

Okay, so you’re trying to install Python on Linux, and it’s giving you a hard time? No worries, got your back. Let’s walk through some common hiccups and how to fix ’em fast.

Common Installation Problems

Let’s face it, installing Python isn’t always a smooth ride, especially on certain Linux versions. Here are a few headaches you might run into and how to handle them.

Missing pip and wheel

On CentOS and RHEL, pip and wheel aren’t exactly there out-of-the-box. You gotta enable the EPEL repository or the PyPA Copr Repo to get things rolling. Here’s the lowdown on that:

# Add EPEL Repository
sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install python-pip

# Or add PyPA Copr Repo
sudo yum install dnf-plugins-core
sudo dnf copr enable @pypa/pypa
sudo dnf install python-pip

For more on Python directories and files, check out Python Documentation.

Library Dependencies

Some Python packages are kinda high-maintenance; they need extra libraries or compilers. For example, to install the AMICI package on Linux, you need Python>=3.10, SWIG>=3.0, and a compatible BLAS library. You’ll also need a C++17 and C compiler. Check out the deets in the AMICI Documentation.

Debugging Your Python Environment

So, Python’s installed but something’s still off? Here’s how to iron out those wrinkles.

Checking Environment Paths

First, make sure your environment variables are in order. Your PATH and PYTHONPATH should include Python binaries and libraries.

# Show Python environment variables
echo $PATH

Peep our guide on python environment variables for more info.

Dependency Issues

Use pip or conda to grab the necessary dependencies. For example, to install Astropy, you’d use:

# Using pip
pip install astropy

# Using conda
conda install astropy

Need more? Here’s some extra reading on python package managers and install python libraries.

Virtual Environment Problems

Got issues with virtual environments? Make sure you’re setting them up right:

# Create a new virtual environment
python3 -m venv myenv

# Activate the virtual environment
source myenv/bin/activate

Need a deep dive? Our article on install python virtual environments can help.

IDE Configuration

A wonky IDE setup can mess things up too. Make sure your IDE’s configured to play nice with your Python environment:

  • Install essential Python plugins/extensions.
  • Set the Python interpreter path in your IDE settings.

For more on this, check out setup python ide and python ide vs text editors.

Quick Fix Table for Common Issues

Missing pip and wheelEnable EPEL or PyPA Copr Repo (Guide)
Library dependenciesInstall needed libraries and compilers (AMICI Docs)
Wrong environment pathsCheck and set PATH and PYTHONPATH correctly
Dependency problemsUse pip or conda for installation
Virtual environment issuesCorrectly create and activate virtual environments
IDE setup woesInstall plugins and set interpreter path properly

If you need more help, check out our pages on python installation troubleshooting and python environment best practices.